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DQ Cases & Insights

Customers who enjoy our Service


What our cus­tomers say

Dig­i­tal Qual­i­ty helped Gilead Sci­ences launch our Inte­grat­ed Cus­tomer Engage­ment Ini­tia­tive. The asso­ci­at­ed inter­nal event and the dig­i­tal assets were a com­plete suc­cess — also on an inter­na­tion­al lev­el. We look for­ward to fur­ther projects.”

Florian krupp

Director Customer & Field Force Excellence at Gilead Sciences

Dig­i­tal Qual­i­ty sup­port­ed Corza Med­ical in devel­op­ing the inter­na­tion­al dig­i­tal strat­e­gy. The approach with work­shops and expert inter­views was very effec­tive and gen­er­at­ed many inter­est­ing insights.”

Tim buchholz

Vice President and General Manager DACH at Corza Medical

We con­duct­ed a busi­ness devel­op­ment work­shop with Dig­i­tal Qual­i­ty, which gen­er­at­ed very goal-ori­ent­ed impuls­es that were very help­ful for the strate­gic fur­ther devel­op­ment of the Vig­nold Group. Again any time.”

Joerg poplawski

Managing Partner at VIGNOLD GROUP


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