
1. Pri­va­cy at a glance Gen­er­al information 

The fol­low­ing notes pro­vide a sim­ple overview of what hap­pens to your per­son­al data when you vis­it this web­site. Per­son­al data is all data with which you can be per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fied. Find detailed infor­ma­tion on the sub­ject of data pro­tec­tion Please see our data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion list­ed under this text. 

Data col­lec­tion on this web­site Who is respon­si­ble for data col­lec­tion on this web­site? The data pro­cess­ing on this web­site is car­ried out by the web­site oper­a­tor. You can find their con­tact details in the sec­tion Notice on the respon­si­ble body” in this data pro­tec­tion declaration. 

How do we col­lect your data? On the one hand, your data is col­lect­ed when you com­mu­ni­cate it to us. This can be z. B. be data that you enter in a con­tact form. Oth­er data is col­lect­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly or with your con­sent by our IT sys­tems when you vis­it the web­site. This is pri­mar­i­ly tech­ni­cal data (e.g. inter­net brows­er, oper­at­ing sys­tem or time of the page view). This data is col­lect­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly as soon as you enter this website.

What do we use your data for? Part of the data is col­lect­ed to ensure that the web­site is pro­vid­ed with­out errors. Oth­er data can be used to ana­lyze your user behavior. 

What rights do you have regard­ing your data? You have the right to receive infor­ma­tion about the ori­gin, recip­i­ent and pur­pose of your stored per­son­al data free of charge at any time. You also have the right to request the cor­rec­tion or dele­tion of this data. If you have giv­en your con­sent to data pro­cess­ing, you can revoke this con­sent at any time for the future. You also have the right, under cer­tain cir­cum­stances, to request that the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data be restrict­ed. You also have the right to lodge a com­plaint with the com­pe­tent super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty. You can con­tact us at any time if you have any fur­ther ques­tions on the sub­ject of data pro­tec­tion. Analy­sis tools and third-par­ty tools When you vis­it this web­site, your surf­ing behav­ior can be sta­tis­ti­cal­ly eval­u­at­ed. This is main­ly done with so-called analy­sis pro­grams. Detailed infor­ma­tion on these analy­sis pro­grams can be found in the fol­low­ing data pro­tec­tion declaration. 

2. Host­ing

Stra­to: We host our web­site at Stra­to. The provider is Stra­to AG, Pas­cal­straße 10, 10587 Berlin (here­inafter: Stra­to”). When you vis­it our web­site, Stra­to col­lects var­i­ous log files includ­ing your IP address­es. For more infor­ma­tion, see Stra­to’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy: https://​www​.stra​to​.de/​d​a​t​ensch.…

Stra­to is used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We have a legit­i­mate inter­est in our web­site being dis­played as reli­ably as pos­si­ble. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (b) GDPR. 6 para­graph 1 lit. A GDPR; The con­sent can be revoked at any time.

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract (AVV) with the above-men­tioned provider. This is a con­tract required by data pro­tec­tion law, which ensures that the per­son­al data of our web­site vis­i­tors is only processed accord­ing to our instruc­tions and in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

3. Gen­er­al infor­ma­tion and manda­to­ry information

Data Pro­tec­tion: The oper­a­tors of these pages take the pro­tec­tion of your per­son­al data very seri­ous­ly. We treat your per­son­al data con­fi­den­tial­ly and in accor­dance with the statu­to­ry data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions and this data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion. If you use this web­site, var­i­ous per­son­al data will be col­lect­ed. Per­son­al data is data with which you can be per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fied. This data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion explains what data we col­lect and what we use it for. It also explains how and for what pur­pose this hap­pens. We would like to point out that data trans­mis­sion on the Inter­net (e.g. when com­mu­ni­cat­ing by e‑mail) can have secu­ri­ty gaps. A com­plete pro­tec­tion of the data against access by third par­ties is not possible. 

Note on the respon­si­ble body 

The respon­si­ble body for data pro­cess­ing on this web­site is:

Dig­i­tal Qual­i­ty GmbH
Gertrud­is Str. 4
53909 Zülpich
Tele­phone: +49 – 2425 – 90 977 99
E‑Mail: kontakt@​digital-​quality.​de

The respon­si­ble body is the nat­ur­al or legal per­son who, alone or togeth­er with oth­ers, decides on the pur­pos­es and means of pro­cess­ing per­son­al data (e.g. names, e‑mail address­es, etc.).

Stor­age Dura­tion: Unless a spe­cif­ic stor­age peri­od has been spec­i­fied in this data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion, your per­son­al data will remain with us until the pur­pose for data pro­cess­ing no longer applies. If you assert a legit­i­mate request for dele­tion or revoke your con­sent to data pro­cess­ing, your data will be delet­ed unless we have oth­er legal­ly per­mis­si­ble rea­sons for stor­ing your per­son­al data (e.g. tax or com­mer­cial law reten­tion peri­ods); in the lat­ter case, the data will be delet­ed once these rea­sons have ceased to exist.

Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer We have appoint­ed a data pro­tec­tion offi­cer for our company.

Artur Schmalz

Dig­i­tal Qual­i­ty GmbH
Gertrud­is Str. 4
53909 Zülpich

Tele­phone: +49 – 2425 – 90 977 99
E‑Mail: a.​schmalz@​digital-​quality.​de

Note on data trans­fer to the USA and oth­er third countries

Among oth­er things, we use tools from com­pa­nies based in the USA or oth­er third coun­tries that are not secure under data pro­tec­tion law. If these tools are active, your per­son­al data can be trans­ferred to these third coun­tries and processed there. We would like to point out that in these coun­tries no lev­el of data pro­tec­tion com­pa­ra­ble to that of the EU can be guar­an­teed. For exam­ple, US com­pa­nies are oblig­ed to release per­son­al data to secu­ri­ty author­i­ties with­out you as the per­son con­cerned being able to take legal action against this. It can there­fore not be ruled out that US author­i­ties (e.g. secret ser­vices) will process, eval­u­ate and per­ma­nent­ly store your data on US servers for mon­i­tor­ing pur­pos­es. We have no influ­ence on these pro­cess­ing activities.

Revo­ca­tion of your con­sent to data pro­cess­ing: Many data pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions are only pos­si­ble with your express con­sent. You can revoke con­sent that you have already giv­en at any time. The legal­i­ty of the data pro­cess­ing that took place up until the revo­ca­tion remains unaf­fect­ed by the revo­ca­tion. Right to object to data col­lec­tion in spe­cial cas­es and to direct adver­tis­ing (Art. 21 GDPR).


Right of appeal to the com­pe­tent super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty In the event of vio­la­tions of the GDPR, those affect­ed have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty, in par­tic­u­lar in the Mem­ber State of their habit­u­al res­i­dence, their place of work or the place of the alleged vio­la­tion. The right to lodge a com­plaint is with­out prej­u­dice to oth­er admin­is­tra­tive or judi­cial remedies.

Right to data porta­bil­i­ty: You have the right to have data that we process auto­mat­i­cal­ly on the basis of your con­sent or in ful­fill­ment of a con­tract hand­ed over to you or to a third par­ty in a com­mon, machine-read­able for­mat. If you request the direct trans­fer of the data to anoth­er per­son respon­si­ble, this will only be done to the extent that it is tech­ni­cal­ly feasible. 

SSL or TLS encryp­tion: For secu­ri­ty rea­sons and to pro­tect the trans­mis­sion of con­fi­den­tial con­tent, such as orders or inquiries that you send to us as the site oper­a­tor, this site uses SSL or TLS encryp­tion. You can rec­og­nize an encrypt­ed con­nec­tion by the fact that the address line of the brows­er changes from http://” to https://” and by the lock sym­bol in your brows­er line. If SSL or TLS encryp­tion is acti­vat­ed, the data that you trans­mit to us can­not be read by third parties.

Infor­ma­tion, dele­tion and cor­rec­tion: With­in the frame­work of the applic­a­ble legal pro­vi­sions, you have the right to free infor­ma­tion about your stored per­son­al data, its ori­gin and recip­i­ent and the pur­pose of the data pro­cess­ing and, if nec­es­sary, a right to cor­rec­tion or dele­tion of this data at any time. You can con­tact us at any time if you have any fur­ther ques­tions on the sub­ject of per­son­al data.

Right to restric­tion of pro­cess­ing: You have the right to request the restric­tion of the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data. You can con­tact us at any time for this. The right to restric­tion of pro­cess­ing exists in the fol­low­ing cas­es: If you dis­pute the accu­ra­cy of your per­son­al data stored by us, we usu­al­ly need time to check this. For the dura­tion of the exam­i­na­tion, you have the right to request that the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data be restrict­ed. If the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data happened/​is hap­pen­ing unlaw­ful­ly, you can request the restric­tion of data pro­cess­ing instead of dele­tion. If we no longer need your per­son­al data, but you need it to exer­cise, defend or assert legal claims, you have the right to demand that the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data be restrict­ed instead of being delet­ed. If you have lodged an objec­tion in accor­dance with Art. 21 (1) GDPR, your inter­ests and ours must be weighed up. As long as it has not yet been deter­mined whose inter­ests pre­vail, you have the right to demand that the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data be restrict­ed. If you have restrict­ed the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data, this data — apart from its stor­age — may only be used with your con­sent or to assert, exer­cise or defend legal claims or to pro­tect the rights of anoth­er nat­ur­al or legal per­son or for rea­sons of impor­tant pub­lic inter­est of the Euro­pean Union or a Mem­ber State are processed.

Object­ing to Pro­mo­tion­al Emails: We here­by object to the use of con­tact data pub­lished as part of the imprint oblig­a­tion to send unso­licit­ed adver­tis­ing and infor­ma­tion mate­r­i­al. The site oper­a­tors express­ly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unso­licit­ed adver­tis­ing being sent, such as spam e‑mails.

4. Data col­lec­tion on this web­site
Cook­ies: Our web­site uses so-called cook­ies”. Cook­ies are small text files and do not cause any dam­age to your end device. They are stored on your end device either tem­porar­i­ly for the dura­tion of a ses­sion (ses­sion cook­ies) or per­ma­nent­ly (per­ma­nent cook­ies). Ses­sion cook­ies are auto­mat­i­cal­ly delet­ed after your vis­it. Per­ma­nent cook­ies remain stored on your end device until you delete them your­self or until they are auto­mat­i­cal­ly delet­ed by your web brows­er. In some cas­es, cook­ies from third-par­ty com­pa­nies can also be stored on your end device when you enter our site (third-par­ty cook­ies). These enable us or you to use cer­tain ser­vices of the third-par­ty com­pa­ny (e.g. cook­ies for pro­cess­ing pay­ment ser­vices). Cook­ies have dif­fer­ent func­tions. Numer­ous cook­ies are tech­ni­cal­ly nec­es­sary because cer­tain web­site func­tions would not work with­out them (e.g. the shop­ping cart func­tion or the dis­play of videos). Oth­er cook­ies are used to eval­u­ate user behav­ior or to dis­play adver­tis­ing. Cook­ies that are required to car­ry out the elec­tron­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tion process (nec­es­sary cook­ies) or to pro­vide cer­tain func­tions you want (func­tion­al cook­ies, e.g. for the shop­ping cart func­tion) or to opti­mize the web­site (e.g. cook­ies for mea­sur­ing web audi­ence). are stored on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR, unless anoth­er legal basis is giv­en. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in the stor­age of cook­ies for the tech­ni­cal­ly error-free and opti­mized pro­vi­sion of its ser­vices. If con­sent to the stor­age of cook­ies was request­ed, the rel­e­vant cook­ies are stored exclu­sive­ly on the basis of this con­sent (Arti­cle 6 (1) (a) GDPR); the con­sent can be revoked at any time. You can set your brows­er so that you are informed about the set­ting of cook­ies and only allow cook­ies in indi­vid­ual cas­es, exclude the accep­tance of cook­ies for cer­tain cas­es or in gen­er­al and acti­vate the auto­mat­ic dele­tion of cook­ies when the brows­er is closed. If cook­ies are deac­ti­vat­ed, the func­tion­al­i­ty of this web­site may be restrict­ed. If cook­ies are used by third-par­ty com­pa­nies or for analy­sis pur­pos­es, we will inform you of this sep­a­rate­ly in this data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion and, if nec­es­sary, ask for your consent.

Con­sent with User­centrics: This web­site uses User­centrics’ con­sent tech­nol­o­gy to obtain your con­sent to the stor­age of cer­tain cook­ies on your end device or to the use of cer­tain tech­nolo­gies and to doc­u­ment this in com­pli­ance with data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions. The provider of this tech­nol­o­gy is User­centrics GmbH, Sendlinger Straße 7, 80331 Munich, web­site: https://​user​centrics​.com/de/ (here­inafter User­centrics”). When you enter our web­site, the fol­low­ing per­son­al data is trans­ferred to Usercentrics:

Your consent(s) or with­draw­al of your consent(s): Your IP address Infor­ma­tion about your brows­er Infor­ma­tion about your device Time of your vis­it to the website

Fur­ther­more, User­centrics stores a cook­ie in your brows­er in order to be able to allo­cate the giv­en con­sent or its revo­ca­tion to you. The data col­lect­ed in this way is stored until you request us to delete it, delete the User­centrics cook­ie your­self, or the pur­pose for stor­ing the data no longer applies. Manda­to­ry statu­to­ry reten­tion require­ments remain unaf­fect­ed. User­centrics is used to obtain the legal­ly required con­sent for the use of cer­tain tech­nolo­gies. The legal basis for this is Arti­cle 6 (1) © GDPR.

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract (AVV) with the above-men­tioned provider. This is a con­tract required by data pro­tec­tion law, which ensures that the per­son­al data of our web­site vis­i­tors is only processed accord­ing to our instruc­tions and in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

Con­tact Form: If you send us inquiries via the con­tact form, your details from the inquiry form, includ­ing the con­tact details you pro­vid­ed there, will be stored by us for the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing the inquiry and in the event of fol­low-up ques­tions. We do not pass on this data with­out your con­sent. This data is processed on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (b) GDPR if your request is relat­ed to the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract or is nec­es­sary to car­ry out pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­sures. In all oth­er cas­es, the pro­cess­ing is based on our legit­i­mate inter­est in the effec­tive pro­cess­ing of inquiries addressed to us (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) or on your con­sent (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR) if this was queried. The data you enter in the con­tact form will remain with us until you ask us to delete it, revoke your con­sent to stor­age or the pur­pose for data stor­age no longer applies (e.g. after your request has been processed). Manda­to­ry legal pro­vi­sions — in par­tic­u­lar reten­tion peri­ods — remain unaffected.

Inquiry by E‑Mail or Phone: If you con­tact us by e‑mail or tele­phone, your request, includ­ing all result­ing per­son­al data (name, request) will be stored and processed by us for the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing your request. We do not pass on this data with­out your con­sent. This data is processed on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (b) GDPR if your request is relat­ed to the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract or is nec­es­sary to car­ry out pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­sures. In all oth­er cas­es, the pro­cess­ing is based on our legit­i­mate inter­est in the effec­tive pro­cess­ing of inquiries addressed to us (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) or on your con­sent (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR) if this was queried. The data you sent to us via con­tact requests will remain with us until you request dele­tion, revoke your con­sent to stor­age or the pur­pose for data stor­age no longer applies (e.g. after your request has been processed). Manda­to­ry legal pro­vi­sions – in par­tic­u­lar statu­to­ry reten­tion peri­ods — remain unaffected.

Cal­en­dar: You can make appoint­ments with us on our web­site. We use the Cal­end­ly” tool to book appoint­ments. The provider is Cal­end­ly LLC, 271 17th St NW, 10th Floor, Atlanta, Geor­gia 30363, USA (here­inafter Cal­end­ly”). For the pur­pose of book­ing an appoint­ment, enter the request­ed data and the desired date in the mask pro­vid­ed. The data entered will be used for the plan­ning, imple­men­ta­tion and, if nec­es­sary, for the fol­low-up of the appoint­ment. The appoint­ment data is stored for us on the Cal­end­ly servers, whose data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion you can view here: https://​cal​end​ly​.com/​d​e​/​p​ages/.…

The data you enter will remain with us until you ask us to delete it, revoke your con­sent to stor­age or the pur­pose for data stor­age no longer applies. Manda­to­ry legal pro­vi­sions — in par­tic­u­lar reten­tion peri­ods — remain unaf­fect­ed. The legal basis for data pro­cess­ing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in mak­ing appoint­ments with inter­est­ed par­ties and cus­tomers as uncom­pli­cat­ed as pos­si­ble. If con­sent has been request­ed, Arti­cle 6 (1) (a) GDPR is the legal basis for data pro­cess­ing; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​cal​end​ly​.com/​p​a​g​e​s/dpa.

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract (AVV) with the above-men­tioned provider. This is a con­tract required by data pro­tec­tion law, which ensures that the per­son­al data of our web­site vis­i­tors is only processed in accor­dance with our instruc­tions and under processed in com­pli­ance with the GDPR

5. Social Media

Face­book plu­g­ins (Like & Share but­ton): Plu­g­ins from the social net­work Face­book are inte­grat­ed on this web­site. The provider of this ser­vice is Face­book Ire­land Lim­it­ed, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ire­land. Accord­ing to Face­book, how­ev­er, the data col­lect­ed is also trans­ferred to the USA and oth­er third coun­tries. You can rec­og­nize the Face­book plu­g­ins by the Face­book logo or the Like but­ton” (“Like”) on this web­site. An overview of the Face­book plu­g­ins can be found here: https://​devel​op​ers​.face​book​.co.…
When you vis­it this web­site, a direct con­nec­tion is estab­lished between your brows­er and the Face­book serv­er via the plu­g­in. Face­book receives the infor­ma­tion that you have vis­it­ed this web­site with your IP address. If you click the Face­book Like” but­ton while you are logged into your Face­book account, you can link the con­tent of this web­site to your Face­book pro­file. This allows Face­book to asso­ciate your vis­it to this web­site with your user account. We would like to point out that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowl­edge of the con­tent of the data trans­mit­ted or how it is used by Face­book. You can find more infor­ma­tion on this in Face­book’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy at: https://​de​-de​.face​book​.com/pri.… If you do not want Face­book to be able to assign your vis­it to this web­site to your Face­book user account, log in please from your Face­book user account. The Face­book plu­g­ins are used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in the widest pos­si­ble vis­i­bil­i­ty in social media. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (a) GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Inso­far as per­son­al data is col­lect­ed on our web­site and for­ward­ed to Face­book using the tool described here, we and Face­book Ire­land Lim­it­ed, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Har­bour, Dublin 2, Ire­land are joint­ly respon­si­ble for this data pro­cess­ing (Arti­cle 26 GDPR ). Joint respon­si­bil­i­ty is lim­it­ed to col­lect­ing the data and pass­ing it on to Face­book. The pro­cess­ing by Face­book after the for­ward­ing is not part of the joint respon­si­bil­i­ty. Our joint oblig­a­tions have been set out in a joint pro­cess­ing agree­ment. The word­ing of the agree­ment can be found at: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​legal.… Accord­ing to this agree­ment, we are respon­si­ble for pro­vid­ing data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­tion when using the Face­book tool and for imple­ment­ing the tool on our web­site in a secure man­ner in accor­dance with data pro­tec­tion law respon­si­ble. Face­book is respon­si­ble for the data secu­ri­ty of Face­book prod­ucts. You can assert your rights (e.g. requests for infor­ma­tion) regard­ing the data processed by Face­book direct­ly on Face­book. If you assert the rights of data sub­jects with us, we are oblig­ed to for­ward them to Face­book. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​legal…,
https://​de​-de​.face​book​.com/hel… and

LinkedIn Plu­g­in: This web­site uses func­tions of the LinkedIn net­work. The provider is LinkedIn Ire­land Unlim­it­ed Com­pa­ny, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ire­land. Each time a page on this web­site that con­tains LinkedIn func­tions is accessed, a con­nec­tion to LinkedIn servers is estab­lished. LinkedIn is informed that you have vis­it­ed this web­site with your IP address. If you click Linked­In’s Rec­om­mend” but­ton and are logged into your LinkedIn account, LinkedIn is able to assign your vis­it to this web­site to you and your user account. We would like to point out that as the provider of the pages, we have no knowl­edge of the con­tent of the data trans­mit­ted or how it is used by LinkedIn. The LinkedIn plu­g­in is used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in the widest pos­si­ble vis­i­bil­i­ty in social media. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (a) GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​help/…schweiz?lang=de
You can find more infor­ma­tion on this in Linked­In’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy at: https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​legal….

XING Plu­g­in: This web­site uses func­tions of the XING net­work. The provider is New Work SE, Damm­torstraße 30, 20354 Ham­burg, Ger­many. Each time one of our pages con­tain­ing XING func­tions is called up, a con­nec­tion to the XING servers is estab­lished. To our knowl­edge, no per­son­al data is stored. In par­tic­u­lar, no IP address­es are stored or usage behav­ior is eval­u­at­ed. The stor­age and analy­sis of the data takes place on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in the widest pos­si­ble vis­i­bil­i­ty in social media. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (a) GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on data pro­tec­tion and the XING Share but­ton can be found in the XING data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion at: https://​www​.xing​.com/​a​p​p​/​share

6. Analy­sis Tools and Advertising

Google Ana­lyt­ics: This web­site uses func­tions of the web analy­sis ser­vice Google Ana­lyt­ics. The provider is Google Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land. Google Ana­lyt­ics enables the web­site oper­a­tor to ana­lyze the behav­ior of web­site vis­i­tors. The web­site oper­a­tor receives var­i­ous usage data, such as B. Page views, length of stay, oper­at­ing sys­tems used and ori­gin of the user. This data may be sum­ma­rized by Google in a pro­file that is assigned to the respec­tive user or their device. Fur­ther­more, we can use Google Ana­lyt­ics u. Record your mouse and scroll move­ments and clicks. Fur­ther­more, Google Ana­lyt­ics uses var­i­ous mod­el­ing approach­es to sup­ple­ment the record­ed data sets and uses machine learn­ing tech­nolo­gies for data analy­sis. Google Ana­lyt­ics uses tech­nolo­gies that enable the user to be rec­og­nized for the pur­pose of ana­lyz­ing user behav­ior (e.g. cook­ies or device fin­ger­print­ing). The infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed by Google about the use of this web­site is usu­al­ly trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and stored there. This analy­sis tool is used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in ana­lyz­ing user behav­ior in order to opti­mize both its web­site and its adver­tis­ing. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent was request­ed (e.g. con­sent to the stor­age of cook­ies), the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 lit. the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​pri​va​cy​.google​.com/bus.…

Brows­er Plug-In: You can pre­vent Google from col­lect­ing and pro­cess­ing your data by down­load­ing and installing the brows­er plu­g­in avail­able at the fol­low­ing link: https://​tools​.google​.com/​dlpag.… You can find more infor­ma­tion on how Google Ana­lyt­ics han­dles user data in Google’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy: https://​sup​port​.google​.com/ana.…

Google Sig­nals: We use Google sig­nals. When you vis­it our web­site, Google Ana­lyt­ics records i.a. Your loca­tion, search his­to­ry and YouTube his­to­ry and demo­graph­ic data (vis­i­tor data). This data can be used for per­son­al­ized adver­tis­ing with the help of the Google sig­nal. If you have a Google account, the Google sig­nal vis­i­tor data will be linked to your Google account and used for per­son­al­ized adver­tis­ing mes­sages. The data is also used to cre­ate anony­mous sta­tis­tics on the user behav­ior of our users.

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract with Google and ful­ly imple­ment the strict require­ments of the Ger­man data pro­tec­tion author­i­ties when using Google Analytics.

Google Ana­lyt­ics Ecom­merce Mea­sure­ment: This web­site uses the e‑commerce mea­sure­ment” func­tion of Google Ana­lyt­ics. With the help of e‑commerce mea­sure­ment, the web­site oper­a­tor can ana­lyze the pur­chas­ing behav­ior of web­site vis­i­tors to improve their online mar­ket­ing cam­paigns. Infor­ma­tion such as the orders placed, aver­age order val­ues, ship­ping costs and the time from view­ing a prod­uct to pur­chas­ing it are record­ed. This data can be sum­ma­rized by Google under a trans­ac­tion ID that is assigned to the respec­tive user or their device.

Stor­age Dura­tion: Data stored by Google at the user and event lev­el that is linked to cook­ies, user IDs (e.g. User ID) or adver­tis­ing IDs (e.g. Dou­bleClick cook­ies, Android adver­tis­ing ID) are anonymized after 2 months or delet­ed. You can find details on this under the fol­low­ing link: https://​sup​port​.google​.com/ana

Google Ads: The web­site oper­a­tor uses Google Ads. Google Ads is an online adver­tis­ing pro­gram from Google Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land. Google Ads enables us to dis­play adver­tise­ments in the Google search engine or on third-par­ty web­sites when the user enters cer­tain search terms on Google (key­word tar­get­ing). Fur­ther­more, tar­get­ed adver­tise­ments can be dis­played based on the user data (e.g. loca­tion data and inter­ests) avail­able from Google (tar­get group tar­get­ing). As the web­site oper­a­tor, we can eval­u­ate this data quan­ti­ta­tive­ly, for exam­ple by ana­lyz­ing which search terms led to the dis­play of our adver­tise­ments and how many adver­tise­ments led to cor­re­spond­ing clicks. Google Ads is used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in mar­ket­ing its ser­vice prod­ucts as effec­tive­ly as pos­si­ble. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/pr… and https://​pri​va​cy​.google​.com/bus.…

Google AdSense: This web­site uses Google AdSense, a ser­vice for inte­grat­ing adver­tise­ments. The provider is Google Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land. With the help of Google Adsense, we can dis­play tar­get­ed adver­tise­ments from third-par­ty com­pa­nies on our site. The con­tent of the adver­tise­ments is based on your inter­ests, which Google deter­mines based on your pre­vi­ous user behav­ior. Fur­ther­more, when select­ing the appro­pri­ate adver­tise­ment, con­text infor­ma­tion such as your loca­tion, the con­tent of the web­site vis­it­ed or the Google search terms you entered are also tak­en into account. Google AdSense uses cook­ies, web bea­cons (invis­i­ble graph­ics) and sim­i­lar recog­ni­tion tech­nolo­gies. This allows infor­ma­tion such as vis­i­tor traf­fic on these pages to be eval­u­at­ed. The infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed by Google Adsense about the use of this web­site (includ­ing your IP address) and the deliv­ery of adver­tis­ing for­mats is trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and stored there. This infor­ma­tion may be passed on by Google to Google’s con­trac­tu­al part­ners. How­ev­er, Google will not merge your IP address with oth­er data stored by you. AdSense is used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in mar­ket­ing its web­site as effec­tive­ly as pos­si­ble. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (a) GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​pri​va​cy​.google​.com/bus.…

Google Remar­ket­ing: This web­site uses the func­tions of Google Ana­lyt­ics Remar­ket­ing. The provider is Google Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land. Google Remar­ket­ing ana­lyzes your user behav­ior on our web­site (e.g. click­ing on cer­tain prod­ucts) in order to clas­si­fy you in cer­tain adver­tis­ing tar­get groups and then to dis­play suit­able web mes­sages when you vis­it oth­er online offers (remar­ket­ing or retar­get­ing). Fur­ther­more, the adver­tis­ing tar­get groups cre­at­ed with Google Remar­ket­ing can be linked to Google’s cross-device func­tions. In this way, inter­est-relat­ed, per­son­al­ized adver­tis­ing mes­sages that have been adapt­ed to you depend­ing on your pre­vi­ous usage and surf­ing behav­ior on one end device (e.g. mobile phone) can also be dis­played on anoth­er of your end devices (e.g. tablet or PC). If you have a Google account, you can object to per­son­al­ized adver­tis­ing using the fol­low­ing link: https://​www​.google​.com/​s​e​tting.… Google Remar­ket­ing is used on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in mar­ket­ing its prod­ucts as effec­tive­ly as pos­si­ble. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (a) GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion and the data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions can be found in the data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion from Google at: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/te.… Tar­get group for­ma­tion with cus­tomer com­par­i­son For tar­get group for­ma­tion, we use, among oth­er things, the cus­tomer com­par­i­son from Google Remar­ket­ing. In doing so, we trans­fer cer­tain cus­tomer data (e.g. e‑mail address­es) from our cus­tomer lists to Google. If the cus­tomers con­cerned are Google users and are logged into their Google account, they will be shown suit­able adver­tis­ing mes­sages with­in the Google net­work (e.g. on YouTube, Gmail or in the search engine).

Google Con­ver­sion Track­ing: This web­site uses Google Con­ver­sion Track­ing. The provider is Google Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land. With the help of Google Con­ver­sion Track­ing, we and Google can rec­og­nize whether the user has car­ried out cer­tain actions. For exam­ple, we can eval­u­ate which but­tons on our web­site were clicked how often and which prod­ucts were viewed or pur­chased par­tic­u­lar­ly fre­quent­ly. This infor­ma­tion is used to gen­er­ate con­ver­sion sta­tis­tics. We learn the total num­ber of users who have clicked on our ads and what actions they have tak­en. We do not receive any infor­ma­tion with which we can per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy the user. Google itself uses cook­ies or com­pa­ra­ble recog­ni­tion tech­nolo­gies for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Google con­ver­sion track­ing is used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in ana­lyz­ing user behav­ior in order to opti­mize both its web­site and its adver­tis­ing. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent was request­ed (e.g. con­sent to the stor­age of cook­ies), the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 lit. the con­sent can be revoked at any time. You can find more infor­ma­tion on Google Con­ver­sion Track­ing in the data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions Google: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/pr.…

Face­book Pix­els: This web­site uses the vis­i­tor action pix­el from Face­book to mea­sure con­ver­sion. The provider of this ser­vice is Face­book Ire­land Lim­it­ed, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ire­land. Accord­ing to Face­book, how­ev­er, the data col­lect­ed is also trans­ferred to the USA and oth­er third coun­tries. In this way, the behav­ior of site vis­i­tors can be tracked after they have been redi­rect­ed to the provider’s web­site by click­ing on a Face­book ad. This allows the effec­tive­ness of the Face­book ads to be eval­u­at­ed for sta­tis­ti­cal and mar­ket research pur­pos­es and future adver­tis­ing mea­sures to be opti­mized. The data col­lect­ed is anony­mous to us as the oper­a­tor of this web­site, we can­not draw any con­clu­sions about the iden­ti­ty of the user. How­ev­er, the data is stored and processed by Face­book so that a con­nec­tion to the respec­tive user pro­file is pos­si­ble and Face­book can use the data for its own adver­tis­ing pur­pos­es in accor­dance with the Face­book data usage guide­lines. This enables Face­book to place adver­tise­ments on Face­book pages and out­side of Face­book. This use of the data can­not be influ­enced by us as the site oper­a­tor. The use of Face­book pix­els is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in effec­tive adver­tis­ing mea­sures, includ­ing social media. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent was request­ed (e.g. con­sent to the stor­age of cook­ies), the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 lit. the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​legal… and https://​de​-de​.face​book​.com/hel.… Inso­far as per­son­al data is col­lect­ed on our web­site with the help of the tool described here and for­ward­ed to Face­book, we and Face­book Ire­land Lim­it­ed, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Har­bour, Dublin 2, Ire­land are joint­ly respon­si­ble for this data pro­cess­ing (Arti­cle 26 GDPR). Joint respon­si­bil­i­ty is lim­it­ed to col­lect­ing the data and pass­ing it on to Face­book. The pro­cess­ing by Face­book after the for­ward­ing is not part of the joint respon­si­bil­i­ty. Our joint oblig­a­tions have been set out in a joint pro­cess­ing agree­ment. The word­ing of the agree­ment can be found at: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​legal.… Accord­ing to this agree­ment, we are respon­si­ble for pro­vid­ing data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­tion when using the Face­book tool and for imple­ment­ing the tool on our web­site in a secure man­ner in accor­dance with data pro­tec­tion law respon­si­ble. Face­book is respon­si­ble for the data secu­ri­ty of Face­book prod­ucts. You can assert your rights (e.g. requests for infor­ma­tion) regard­ing the data processed by Face­book direct­ly on Face­book. If you assert the rights of data sub­jects with us, we are oblig­ed to for­ward them to Face­book. You will find fur­ther infor­ma­tion on pro­tect­ing your pri­va­cy in Face­book’s data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­tion: https://​de​-de​.face​book​.com/abo.… You can also dis­able the Cus­tom Audi­ences” remar­ket­ing fea­ture in the Ads Set­tings sec­tion at https://​www​.face​book​.com/​ads/p… To do this, you must be logged in to Face­book. If you do not have a Face­book account, you can opt out of Face­book usage-based adver­tis­ing on the Euro­pean Inter­ac­tive Dig­i­tal Adver­tis­ing Alliance web­site: http://www.youronlinechoices.c.…

LinkedIn Insight Tag: This web­site uses Linked­In’s Insight Tag. The provider of this ser­vice is LinkedIn Ire­land Unlim­it­ed Com­pa­ny, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ire­land. Data pro­cess­ing by the LinkedIn Insight Tag With the help of the LinkedIn Insight Tag, we receive infor­ma­tion about the vis­i­tors to our web­site. If a web­site vis­i­tor is reg­is­tered with LinkedIn, we can u. ana­lyze the pro­fes­sion­al key data (e.g. career lev­el, com­pa­ny size, coun­try, loca­tion, indus­try and job title) of our web­site vis­i­tors and thus bet­ter align our web­site to the respec­tive tar­get groups. We can also use LinkedIn Insight Tags to mea­sure whether vis­i­tors to our web­site make a pur­chase or take anoth­er action (con­ver­sion mea­sure­ment). The con­ver­sion mea­sure­ment can also take place across devices (e.g. from PC to tablet). LinkedIn Insight Tag also offers a retar­get­ing func­tion, with the help of which we can show vis­i­tors to our web­site tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing out­side of the web­site, where­by, accord­ing to LinkedIn, the adver­tis­ing addressee is not iden­ti­fied. LinkedIn itself also col­lects so-called log files (URL, refer­rer URL, IP address, device and brows­er prop­er­ties and time of access). The IP address­es are short­ened or (if they are used to reach LinkedIn mem­bers across devices) hashed (pseu­do­nymized). The direct iden­ti­fiers of LinkedIn mem­bers are delet­ed from LinkedIn after sev­en days. The remain­ing pseu­do­nymised data will then be delet­ed with­in 180 days. The data col­lect­ed by LinkedIn can­not be assigned to spe­cif­ic indi­vid­u­als by us as the web­site oper­a­tor. LinkedIn will store the per­son­al data col­lect­ed from web­site vis­i­tors on its servers in the USA and use it for its own adver­tis­ing pur­pos­es. Details can be found in Linked­In’s data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion at https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​legal.…

Legal Basis: LinkedIn Insight is used on the basis of Arti­cle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in effec­tive adver­tis­ing mea­sures, includ­ing social media. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent was request­ed (e.g. con­sent to the stor­age of cook­ies), the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 lit. the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​legal… and https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​legal.…

Objec­tion to the use of LinkedIn Insight Tag: Object to the analy­sis of usage behav­ior and tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing by LinkedIn under the fol­low­ing link: ttps:// Fur­ther­more, LinkedIn mem­bers can con­trol the use of their per­son­al data for adver­tis­ing pur­pos­es in their account set­tings. To pre­vent LinkedIn from link­ing data col­lect­ed on our web­site to your LinkedIn account, you must log out of your LinkedIn account before vis­it­ing our website.

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract (AVV) with the above-men­tioned provider. This is a con­tract required by data pro­tec­tion law, which ensures that the per­son­al data of our web­site vis­i­tors is only processed accord­ing to our instruc­tions and in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

7. Newslet­ter

Newslet­ter Data: If you would like to receive the newslet­ter offered on the web­site, we need an e‑mail address from you as well as infor­ma­tion that allows us to ver­i­fy that you are the own­er of the e‑mail address pro­vid­ed and that you agree to receive the newslet­ter. Fur­ther data is not col­lect­ed or only col­lect­ed on a vol­un­tary basis. We use newslet­ter ser­vice providers, which are described below, to process the newsletter.

MailChimp with suc­cess mea­sure­ment dis­abled This web­site uses the ser­vices of MailChimp to send newslet­ters. The provider is Rock­et Sci­ence Group LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. MailChimp is a ser­vice with which, among oth­er things, the send­ing of newslet­ters can be organ­ised. If you enter data for the pur­pose of sub­scrib­ing to the newslet­ter (e.g. e‑mail address), this will be stored on the MailChimp servers in the USA. We have dis­abled Mailchim­p’s suc­cess mea­sure­ment, so Mailchimp will not eval­u­ate your behav­ior when open­ing our newslet­ters. If you do not want your data to be trans­ferred to Mailchimp, you must unsub­scribe from the newslet­ter. For this pur­pose, we pro­vide a cor­re­spond­ing link in every newslet­ter mes­sage. The data pro­cess­ing takes place on the basis of your con­sent (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a DSG­VO). You can revoke this con­sent at any time by unsub­scrib­ing from the newslet­ter. The legal­i­ty of the data pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions that have already tak­en place remains unaf­fect­ed by the revo­ca­tion. The data you have stored with us for the pur­pose of sub­scrib­ing to the newslet­ter will be stored by us or the newslet­ter ser­vice provider until you unsub­scribe from the newslet­ter and delet­ed from the newslet­ter dis­tri­b­u­tion list after you have can­celed the newslet­ter. Data stored by us for oth­er pur­pos­es remain unaf­fect­ed. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​mailchimp​.com/​e​u​-​us-da… and https://​mailchimp​.com/​l​e​g​al/da.… After you have been removed from the newslet­ter dis­tri­b­u­tion list, your e‑mail address may be stored in a black­list by us or the newslet­ter ser­vice provider in order to pre­vent future mail­ings. The data from the black­list is only used for this pur­pose and is not merged with oth­er data. This serves both your inter­est and our inter­est in com­ply­ing with the legal require­ments when send­ing newslet­ters (legit­i­mate inter­est with­in the mean­ing of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR). Stor­age in the black­list is not lim­it­ed in time. You can object to the stor­age if your inter­ests out­weigh our legit­i­mate inter­ests. For more infor­ma­tion, see MailChim­p’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy at: https://​mailchimp​.com/​l​e​g​al/te.…

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract (AVV) with the above-men­tioned provider. This is a con­tract required by data pro­tec­tion law, which ensures that the per­son­al data of our web­site vis­i­tors is only processed accord­ing to our instruc­tions and in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

8. Plu­g­ins und Tools

YouTube with enhanced pri­va­cy: This web­site includes videos from YouTube. The web­site oper­a­tor is Google Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land. We use YouTube in the extend­ed data pro­tec­tion mode. Accord­ing to YouTube, this mode means that YouTube does not store any infor­ma­tion about vis­i­tors to this web­site before they watch the video. How­ev­er, the extend­ed data pro­tec­tion mode does not nec­es­sar­i­ly exclude the trans­fer of data to YouTube part­ners. This is how YouTube estab­lish­es a con­nec­tion to the Google Dou­bleClick net­work, regard­less of whether you are watch­ing a video. As soon as you start a YouTube video on this web­site, a con­nec­tion to the YouTube servers is estab­lished. The YouTube serv­er is informed which of our pages you have vis­it­ed. If you are logged into your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to assign your surf­ing behav­ior direct­ly to your per­son­al pro­file. You can pre­vent this by log­ging out of your YouTube account. Fur­ther­more, YouTube can save var­i­ous cook­ies on your end device after start­ing a video or use com­pa­ra­ble recog­ni­tion tech­nolo­gies (e.g. device fin­ger­print­ing). In this way, YouTube can receive infor­ma­tion about vis­i­tors to this web­site. This infor­ma­tion is used i.a. used to col­lect video sta­tis­tics, improve usabil­i­ty and pre­vent fraud attempts. If nec­es­sary, after the start of a YouTube video, fur­ther data pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions can be trig­gered over which we have no influ­ence. YouTube is used in the inter­est of an attrac­tive pre­sen­ta­tion of our online offers. This rep­re­sents a legit­i­mate inter­est with­in the mean­ing of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 Let­ter f GDPR. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 Let­ter a GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. You can find more infor­ma­tion about data pro­tec­tion on YouTube in their data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion at: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/pr.…

Vimeo with­out track­ing (Do Not Track): This web­site uses plu­g­ins from the video por­tal Vimeo. The provider is Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA. If you vis­it one of our pages equipped with Vimeo videos, a con­nec­tion to the Vimeo servers will be estab­lished. The Vimeo serv­er is informed which of our pages you have vis­it­ed. In addi­tion, Vimeo obtains your IP address. How­ev­er, we have set Vimeo so that Vimeo will not track your user activ­i­ties and will not set cook­ies. Vimeo is used in the inter­est of an attrac­tive pre­sen­ta­tion of our online offers. This rep­re­sents a legit­i­mate inter­est with­in the mean­ing of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 Let­ter f GDPR. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 Let­ter a GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. The data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion and, accord­ing to Vimeo, on legit­i­mate busi­ness inter­ests”. Details can be found here: https://​vimeo​.com/​p​r​ivacy. For more infor­ma­tion on how to han­dle user data, see Vimeo’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy at: https://​vimeo​.com/​p​r​ivacy.

Adobe Fonts: This web­site uses web fonts from Adobe for the uni­form dis­play of cer­tain fonts. The provider is Adobe Sys­tems Incor­po­rat­ed, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110 – 2704, USA (Adobe). When you vis­it this web­site, your brows­er loads the required fonts direct­ly from Adobe in order to be able to dis­play them cor­rect­ly on your device. Your brows­er estab­lish­es a con­nec­tion to the Adobe servers in the USA. This gives Adobe knowl­edge that this web­site was accessed via your IP address. Accord­ing to Adobe, no cook­ies are stored when the fonts are pro­vid­ed. The stor­age and analy­sis of the data takes place on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in the uni­form pre­sen­ta­tion of the type­face on his web­site. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent was request­ed (e.g. con­sent to the stor­age of cook­ies), the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 lit. the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​www​.adobe​.com/​d​e​/​priva.… For more infor­ma­tion about Adobe Fonts, vis­it: https://​www​.adobe​.com/​d​e​/​priva.… Adobe’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy can be found at: https://​www​.adobe​.com/​d​e​/​priva

Google Maps: This site uses the map ser­vice Google Maps. The provider is Google Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land. In order to use the func­tions of Google Maps, it is nec­es­sary to save your IP address. This infor­ma­tion is usu­al­ly trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site has no influ­ence on this data trans­fer. If Google Maps is acti­vat­ed, Google can use Google Web Fonts for the pur­pose of uni­form dis­play of fonts. When you call up Google Maps, your brows­er loads the required web fonts into your brows­er cache in order to dis­play text and fonts cor­rect­ly. Google Maps is used in the inter­est of an attrac­tive pre­sen­ta­tion of our online offers and to make it eas­i­er to find the places we have indi­cat­ed on the web­site. This rep­re­sents a legit­i­mate inter­est with­in the mean­ing of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 Let­ter f GDPR. If a cor­re­spond­ing con­sent has been request­ed, the pro­cess­ing takes place exclu­sive­ly on the basis of Arti­cle 6 Para­graph 1 Let­ter a GDPR; the con­sent can be revoked at any time. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​pri​va​cy​.google​.com/bus… and https://​pri​va​cy​.google​.com/bus…. More infor­ma­tion on han­dling user data can be found in Google’s data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/pr.…

9. Audio and Video Conferencing

Data Pro­cess­ing: We use online con­fer­ence tools, among oth­er things, to com­mu­ni­cate with our cus­tomers. The spe­cif­ic tools we use are list­ed below. If you com­mu­ni­cate with us via video or audio con­fer­ence over the Inter­net, your per­son­al data will be col­lect­ed and processed by us and the provider of the respec­tive con­fer­ence tool. The con­fer­ence tools record all data that you provide/​use to use the tools (e‑mail address and/​or your tele­phone num­ber). Fur­ther­more, the con­fer­ence tools process the dura­tion of the con­fer­ence, start and end (time) of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the con­fer­ence, num­ber of par­tic­i­pants and oth­er con­text infor­ma­tion” in con­nec­tion with the com­mu­ni­ca­tion process (meta­da­ta). Fur­ther­more, the provider of the tool process­es all tech­ni­cal data that is required to process online com­mu­ni­ca­tion. This includes in par­tic­u­lar IP address­es, MAC address­es, device IDs, device type, oper­at­ing sys­tem type and ver­sion, client ver­sion, cam­era type, micro­phone or loud­speak­er and the type of con­nec­tion. If con­tent is exchanged, uploaded or pro­vid­ed in any oth­er way with­in the tool, this is also stored on the servers of the tool providers. Such con­tent includes but is not lim­it­ed to cloud record­ings, chat/​instant mes­sages, voice­mails, uploaded pho­tos and videos, files, white­boards and oth­er infor­ma­tion shared while using the Ser­vice. Please note that we do not have full influ­ence on the data pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions of the tools used. Our options are large­ly based on the cor­po­rate pol­i­cy of the respec­tive provider. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on data pro­cess­ing by the con­fer­ence tools can be found in the data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tions of the tools used, which we have list­ed below this text.

Pur­pose and Legal Bases: The con­fer­ence tools are used to com­mu­ni­cate with prospec­tive or exist­ing con­trac­tu­al part­ners or to offer cer­tain ser­vices to our cus­tomers (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSG­VO). Fur­ther­more, the use of the tools serves to gen­er­al­ly sim­pli­fy and accel­er­ate com­mu­ni­ca­tion with us or our com­pa­ny (legit­i­mate inter­est with­in the mean­ing of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSG­VO). If con­sent has been request­ed, the tools in ques­tion will be used on the basis of this con­sent; the con­sent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

Stor­age Dura­tion: The data col­lect­ed direct­ly by us via the video and con­fer­ence tools will be delet­ed from our sys­tems as soon as you ask us to delete it, revoke your con­sent to stor­age or the pur­pose for data stor­age no longer applies. Saved cook­ies remain on your end device until you delete them. Manda­to­ry statu­to­ry reten­tion peri­ods remain unaf­fect­ed. We have no influ­ence on the stor­age peri­od of your data, which is stored by the oper­a­tors of the con­fer­ence tools for their own pur­pos­es. For details, please con­tact the oper­a­tors of the con­fer­ence tools directly.

Con­fer­ence Tools used: We use Zoom as a con­fer­ence tool. The provider of this ser­vice is Zoom Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Inc., San Jose, 55 Almaden Boule­vard, 6th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113, USA. Details on data pro­cess­ing can be found in Zoom’s data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion: https://​zoom​.us/​d​e​-​d​e​/​p​r​ivacy.…. Data trans­fer to the USA is based on the stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es of the EU Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​zoom​.us/​d​e​-​d​e​/​p​r​ivacy.….

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract (AVV) with the above-men­tioned provider. This is a con­tract required by data pro­tec­tion law, which ensures that the per­son­al data of our web­site vis­i­tors is only processed accord­ing to our instruc­tions and in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

Skype for Busi­ness: We use Skype for Busi­ness. The provider is Skype Com­mu­ni­ca­tions SARL, 23 – 29 Rives de Clausen, L‑2165 Lux­em­bourg. Details on data pro­cess­ing can be found in Skype’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy: https://​pri​va​cy​.microsoft​.com/

Order Pro­cess­ing: We have con­clud­ed an order pro­cess­ing con­tract (AVV) with the above-men­tioned provider. This is a con­tract required by data pro­tec­tion law, which ensures that the per­son­al data of our web­site vis­i­tors is only processed accord­ing to our instruc­tions and in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

Microsoft Teams: We use Microsoft Teams. The provider is Microsoft Cor­po­ra­tion, One Microsoft Way, Red­mond, WA 98052 – 6399, USA. Details on data pro­cess­ing can be found in the Microsoft Teams data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion: https://​pri​va​cy​.microsoft​.com/.…