Automation & Tools

DQ offers you the right tool for your indi­vid­ual automation.

Mar­ket­ing automa­tion com­pris­es a wide range of func­tions and tools that enable your com­pa­ny to auto­mate and opti­mize recur­ring mar­ket­ing process­es. From the seg­men­ta­tion of tar­get groups, per­son­al­iza­tion of con­tent, email mar­ket­ing cam­paigns, lead and social media man­age­ment to cam­paign track­ing and analysis. 

We tai­lor the lev­el of mar­ket­ing automa­tion to the needs and objec­tives of your com­pa­ny in order to rec­om­mend a suit­able tech­nol­o­gy solution.

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DQ Value

Achiev­ing the desired effi­cien­cy with automa­tion: Togeth­er, we take you from your tar­get image to tar­get­ed automa­tion and sup­port your stake­hold­ers by train­ing them in the use of the tools and processes.


  1. 01

    GAP & deter­mine status

  2. 02

    Define goals & degree of automation

  3. 03

    Iden­ti­fy & pri­or­i­tize automa­tion solutions

  4. 04

    Inte­grate tools & processes


Bring­ing mar­ket­ing process­es to life effi­cient­ly and automatically.

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