
Do you want to manage your projects effectively and set up a central work platform for your team? You're welcome.

DQ offers you a central cross-team collaboration solution on a central platform. Your teams can work on projects, campaigns or brand development simultaneously and in real time, regardless of whether they are international or national. Standardized workflows and project overviews bring efficiency to your work processes and offer the brand a “single source of truth”.

Have we piqued your interest? Make an appointment now.


  1. 01

    Analy­sis & sta­tus quo

  2. 02

    Define goals & requirements

  3. 03

    Define stake­hold­ers includ­ing roles & rights

  4. 04

    Plat­form imple­men­ta­tion & training 


Cre­ate a sin­gle source of truth for your projects & brand



Make an Appointment

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