Persona Development

Persona Entwicklung


DQ helps you to take a clos­er look at your tar­get customers. 

With the help of per­sona devel­op­ment, based on data (inter­views and exter­nal stud­ies), we give you insights into the behav­ior of your con­sumers. A per­sona rep­re­sents a vari­ety of facets that influ­ence user behav­ior and are cru­cial for your cus­tomer journey. 

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  1. 01

    Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of tar­get groups

  2. 02

    Def­i­n­i­tion of require­ments & goals 

  3. 03

    Data clus­ter­ing from inter­views & exter­nal studies

  4. 04

    Cre­ation of the per­sona setcards


Define tar­get group & under­stand user behavior.

Discover more DQ skills


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