Business Model Canvas

Your future business model

Togeth­er with you, we use the BMC Matrix to devel­op the poten­tial of your future busi­ness model.

Strate­gi­cal­ly — visu­al­ly — and con­crete­ly.

In addi­tion to the Busi­ness Mod­el Can­vas, the Val­ue Propo­si­tion Can­vas pro­vides you with a clear view of your per­for­mance and val­ue propo­si­tion. It is the basis for your future suc­cess in the mar­ket. Have we piqued your inter­est?

Make an appoint­ment now.

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  1. 01

    Def­i­n­i­tion of the audi­ence persona

  2. 02

    For­mu­la­tion of the val­ue proposition

  3. 03

    Devel­op­ment of your indi­vid­ual busi­ness mod­el canvas

  4. 04

    Deriva­tion of mea­sures for your organization


Define busi­ness mod­el and devel­op performance/​value proposition

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